Services  >  Content Writing


"A team of professional copywriters, crafting unique, genuine and engaging content that draws your reader in and over-delivers on their expectations."

SEO-Friendly Copywriting Services and Content Creation

Content is the foundation of any website. While the design may draw the visitor in, it is the actual words on the page that engage, excite and motivate the visitor to take action. Finding the balance between engaging copy and keyword rich content that will drive traffic to your site is a challenging and time-consuming task for most Webmasters.

When our team builds a site, we start by creating high quality, relevant SEO content. The content is the meat of the site and determines the look and feel, while the design is the packaging that holds the content in place, giving it a home.

Understanding the Target

Before we create the content for your website, we spend time getting to know your target market. A solid understanding of the target market will act as the foundation for the voice, feel and tone for the rest of the content. We use that information to create a User Profile that contains valuable demographic and psychographic details about the target.

Not only will the User Profile act as a foundation for the content, it will become the basis for the design and all other aspects of the site. Having a solid understanding of your target will help define clear objectives and increase the effectiveness of your website.

Keyword Research

The keywords for the topics of articles are the most critical part of content creation. If the topic created doesn't have a focus, or targets the wrong audience, it will be difficult to drive traffic to the site. It is important to select keywords that will help market your goods or services. But it isn't easy. Selecting article topics that are too competitive will result in low search engine rankings. On the other hand, selecting keywords with little or no competition will mean the site will rank highly but won't generate enough traffic.

AltaMinds measures SOC (Strength of Competition), OCI (Online Commercial Intent) and Exact Search Results to determine the best keywords to use to create the pages on your site. This unique algorithm will determine the most profitable keywords with the least competition that will bring your company quality traffic with high profit potential.

Our team will craft powerful and captivating titles for the content that will draw the reader in to learn more. The headings and titles of each page, if created right, have a powerful impact on search engine rankings and user response.

Creating the Site Architecture

After the User Profile has been established, AltaMinds will create a Content Architecture Map that will be used to organize the content. Creating a logical site architecture based on the type of content and keywords increases your site's authority in the search engines and increases site navigability.

Content organization is an often-overlooked yet highly effective way to attract targeted visitors and cause them to stay on your site long enough to make the desired action. After the content has been organized, we will create pages with related Title Tags, Meta Keywords and Meta Descriptions.

Keyword Rich and SEO-Friendly

There are two important aspects of good online copywriting. First, you want to make the content relevant and engaging to the reader. Second, you want to include the right keywords and related keywords phrases to make the article rank highly in the search engines.

A good website combines aspects of both, resulting in SEO-friendly content that builds trust with the reader and leads to more sales/inquiries about your business. When developing content for your site, we think about not only what the search engines want to see, but also what your readers are hoping to see.