Services  >  AdWords & PPC Campaign Management


"We offer streamlined PPC campaign built from the ground up with relevant keywords, targeted keyword ad groups and focused ads designed to create an instant flow of customers right to your door."

Comprehensive Pay Per Click Management

Pay Per Click is a great way to start driving quality traffic to your site. PPC programs like Yahoo, Google and Bing can be valuable tools for sending a constant flow of targeted visitors to your site who are interested in your products/services.

Our Google AdWords team will build from the ground up, an effective AdWords campaign for your company. We will build keyword lists, choose the correct bid price, get you the lowest cost per click and create a fully optimized campaign.

Exhaustive Keyword Research

Our PPC team will research relevant keywords based on competitors' sites, find the best ads and use similar ads to find the perfect keywords to target for your company. We will include:

  • Keyword variations
  • Brand/Product Specific terms
  • SKUs
  • Geo-targeted terms
  • Misspellings
  • Negative keywords

By utilizing a variety of keyword variations and geo-targeted keywords, we can target users looking for your product/service in any part of the world. These keywords are carefully selected and sorted into keyword groups that contain only relevant keywords, improving your quality score and reducing the cost per click.

Targeted Ad Creation

After an exhaustive list of keywords has been compiled, AltaMinds will create a set of ads for each ad group on your AdWords campaign. Ads will be monitored closely to ensure you remain within budget and that the ads are converting traffic.

Using our A/B split testing techniques and ad refining strategy, we will maximize your budget, lower the cost per click and generate lots of high quality traffic to your site, literally within a few hours.

Quality Score, Cost Per Click, Click Through Rates

Each element of the Pay Per Click campaign has to be carefully thought out, planned, managed and scrutinized at the start of the campaign. AltaMinds will make changes to ads, keyword groups and landing pages to ensure that your cost per click stays low and that your click-through rate is high.

As time goes on, we will continue monitoring your campaign, making small adjustments to the ads, keywords and ad groups. By closely monitoring your campaign, we can increase your ad's effectiveness and drive more visitors to your site for less money.