Services  >  Market Research, Strategy & Analysis


"Successful online marketing campaigns are founded on a clear understanding of consumer needs through quality, in-depth market research."

Market Research Analysis

A strong internet presence is an essential element in a company's marketing mix. However, creating a profitable and thriving website is only possible with a clear understanding of your target market - how they behave and interact with your industry.

Utilizing a thorough online market research analysis, AltaMinds is able to pinpoint the target and how to communicate with them effectively, speaking to their desires. We determine what your audience is looking for and predict what they will be looking for in the future. This allows us to create structured and customized content, design, layout and user interface organization that will drive your customer to take the desired action on your site.

Researching Industry Trends

Every industry goes through shifts and trends in consumer usage, target interaction, and other factors that influence how the target interacts with the products and/or services. The key to staying current within your market is to understand past trends and prepare for future ones.

AltaMinds utilizes a variety of research tools to create a clear view of your industry's trends. This allows us to become familiar with and recognize patterns within your specific industry, and to use those insights to predict customer trends and behaviors. This information is invaluable in preparing a comprehensive web marketing approach.

Becoming familiar with trend patterns and current developments allows AltaMinds to recognize growth markets within your specific industry and capitalize on this information - creating a focus that is current and effective while reinforcing your brand position.

Analyzing the Current Market Offering

Businesses take considerable time analyzing the potential their products and/or services will have within their market. AltaMinds takes the same approach prior to developing your website by analyzing the current market offering. Your analysis will show:

  • Who the users of your market are
  • The aspects of the market the user most desires
  • The availability of competitive products/service

Our team utilizes this information to create a niche focus for your website that is a direct response to the findings of the analysis. This systematic approach creates a website that speaks directly to the needs of your market, resulting in increased traffic and profitability.

Competitive Analysis

To be competitive in any market, it is important to have a clear understanding of your competitors. Our team uncovers valuable information about your competitors through detailed competitive analysis. This analysis reveals key information about your competitors, such as:

  • Who your competitors are, location & est. yearly income
  • Characteristics that make them stand out
  • Exceptional attributes their business possesses
  • Pitfalls or improvements they can make

We reference this analysis throughout the development process to create a superior, well-focused web presence for your business. By capitalizing on your competitors' weaknesses and prevailing over their strengths, AltaMinds will help you compete with and out-do your competitors.

Target Market Profile

Whether your business provides a service, a product, or both, it is of the essence to know who is using your product/service. Altaminds will uncover this information by creating a customer profile prior to development of your site. This Target Market Profile will contain valuable information about your audience such as:

  • location
  • age
  • marital status
  • annual income
  • wants, needs, desires

By generating a target market profile, our team is able to create a model of who your target market is. Their age, gender, education, family structure and income all influence their purchasing power and spending habits.

From the tone of the content and aesthetics of the design, to the overall structure and navigation of the pages, this demographic profile guides the development of a web structure that will connect emotionally with your customers.